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Bruce Bialosky

Let’s Talk Decolonization

The new cool kids are all into it. They banter the term around all the time. It is either “decolonization” or “post colonization.” They like to tell us it is regarding their favored terrorist group – Hamas — even though the last colonists there were the Brits. With everyone talking about it, I thought I would look at how decolonization is going.

It worked well for us, the Americans. Pretty well for the Canadians until Pierre Trudeau unleashed his devil child upon them. The Aussies and Kiwis are doing well. Hong Kong was doing great until the barbaric Chinese took it over. Then matters start going downhill from there.

Of course, the rest of the world went through various levels of being ruled by other countries. There were the Romans, the Greeks, the Mongols, the Turks, the Macedonians, the Ottomans, and a slew of others who were set on ruling the world, but they were not known as “colonists.” The Russians took over Eastern Europe for a while, but they called all those countries under their draconian oversight ‘satellites.”

Colonization seems to focus on the activities of European countries from the 16th century onward. It really focuses on any country where the native population was white. That is what the cool kids don’t seem to like – white people. We are used to having self-hating Jews. Now we also have self-hating white people.

I took a look at the countries that are considered to be colonized. They are for the most part in South America, then Asia and Africa. It is wherever European ships sailed and, by definition of the cool kids, took over an area from the ‘enlightened’ native populations and destroyed everything in their path by raping and pillaging the land. That is not exactly how it went, but don’t try and tell the cool kids that.

After doing my own investigation, I asked a series of smart, insightful people which countries were doing well post-colonization. We all agreed that the country that left their former colonies in the best shape was England. That is well defined by the countries identified above. It was a debate as to which country is the worst, Belgium or Holland. Certainly, the Congo is a perfect example of how well Belgium left things.

I asked them which countries are doing well. The list is short. We agreed Hong Kong was doing great until being destroyed by the Communist Chinese. We agreed upon Singapore and Vietnam. Not a lot of other countries.

These countries have had anywhere from 60 to 100 years to rule themselves with their enlightened native populations. That is 3-5 generations. Most have gone downhill or directly down the toilet when left to their own means. For example, Venezuela was the #1 economy of South America and now is a failed state. Argentina elected a sane person, but he is still trying to get his hands around inflation that was running at over 250%. Argentina has had more than a few coups after Juan Peron did a number on a country which had a strong economy.

Jamaica is a former British colony that represents a middling status post colonization. Because of tourism, the country’s residents do ok. There has been a large amount of immigration to Canada, the UK, and the U.S. There is and has been travel warnings for Americans who go outside their resorts. Not necessarily a place you want to live. That is the best you can say for many of these countries.

There are so many failed states amongst them they are too numerous to count. I carry in my pocket a 500,000,000 reserve note from Zimbabwe. Robert Mugabe did a fine job of destroying that country. They finally converted to using U.S. dollars as their primary currency, along with eleven other countries as well.

There is barely a country in Africa that is a thriving, safe democracy. An expert in the area stated part of the reason that Egypt is unwilling to help Israel along the Philadelphi corridor in Rafah, it too is nearly a failed state and needs the revenue being brought in from smuggling supplies to Hamas. Then there is Libya. The Middle East has Syria, Iraq, and Iran. Algeria appears to be a country that had a short colonial period and is currently a successful state.

India has made some strides and this last election showed signs of reestablishing their desire to be a democracy. The neighboring Pakistan and Bangladesh are disasters.

There are the current colonizers who are being ignored. Turkey has occupied Cyprus and Pakistan has occupied Kashmir. Then there is China that has colonized Mongolia and Tibet. But none of those countries are run by the dreaded white people.

The countries which were former colonies have had more than adequate time to establish themselves. Many have become autocracies or failed states. This is not a statement that they should revert to being colonies of European states. This is to say that these code words of “decolonization” and “post-colonization” are just excuses for their failures.

How long will the Left harbor that argument? The Left is constantly making excuses for the failings of these people instead of holding them to appropriate standards and blaming them for their own failings. And they will continue to blame it all on white people.