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Ray Haynes

A Fragile Republic

Is there anyone out there who doubts that had the roles been reversed, that had someone tried to assassinate Biden instead of Trump, that criminal charges would have been filed against Trump? A week ago, Biden says “we need to put a bull’s eye on Trump.” Biden calls Trump a “threat to our democracy.” Facist, Nazi, criminal are epithets hurled at Trump every day. Trump absorbs these attacks and responds only with questions about Biden’s competence, a perfectly legitimate argument in a political debate. Had Trump said any of the things that Biden and his supporters have said prior to an assassination attempt on Biden, is there any doubt criminal charges would have been filed against Trump?

Governor Newsom has called Trump like Hitler and his supporters Nazis. He has in fact reveled in the support among Democrats around the country for “confronting” Trump and Republicans, and has called upon Democrat officeholders to increase the attacks on conservatives. Other Democrats in California have fueled the anti-conservative political fires with equally heated rhetoric. Now they all condemn the violence their words have incited, and their leftist lap dogs in the media publicize their calls for peace without holding them accountable for their irresponsible language over the last several months.

We know that Democrat office holders and activists around the country have actively called on their supporters to attack Trump, and when he was the President, his cabinet officials. Biden said if this were “high school,” he’d “take Trump behind the gym and punch him out.” Others have threatened to “punch him out” as well. At least one prominent Biden supporter said “Trump deserves a bullet in his head.” Had anyone of Trump’s supporters said such things, and there was an attempt on Biden’s life, some Democrat District Attorney in some city somewhere would already be convening a grand jury right now to file conspiracy to commit murder or inciting murder charges against him. And the press would be convicting him in media reports all around the country today.

On Saturday, we came close, and I mean a real “hair’s breadth” close, to unimaginable turmoil in this country. Had the assassin been successful in his attempt to kill Trump, on the eve of the Republican convention, the government would not have been able to contain the resulting chaos. I could imagine the imposition of martial law around the country to try to stop the backlash that would have resulted from that event. The imposition of martial law this close to a Presidential election could have had a disastrous impact on the conduct of that election, an impact that, in my opinion, might have been the end of our Republic.

We can thank God, and should every day, that Trump’s life was spared, barely. I am not a conspiracy theorist, I don’t know if other’s were involved in this attempt on Trump’s life, but it was a security failure of epic proportions, and someone needs to lose their job over what happened Saturday. Every republic ever formed has been a fragile structure, requiring the confidence of every citizen that the republic operates fairly. Too many on both sides of the political spectrum have been actively acting lately to undermine that confidence. Democrats in 2000, 2004, and 2016 actively attacked Republican officeholders in Florida, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, claiming they cheated on the vote to help the Republican win those elections. Republicans in 2020 did the same thing to Democrats. Since 2020, Democrat district attorneys and attorneys general in Georgia and New York have abused their power to bring questionable legal charges against a citizen they don’t like to stop him from becoming President. How is any of that right?

Our Republic is as fragile as the hundreds of Republics that have been overthrown through an abuse of the law and declarations of martial law. We have to work to keep it. Each of us must commit to take our the anger and energy created by the assassination attempt and put it into making sure we have a strong, operational electoral system in November. If we do that, we will have proved that we deserve the Republic that God has blessed us with for 236 years.