Friday, April 22, 2011
WSJ: California Dreamin' - of Jobs in Texas
LAT: In L.A., Obama makes his case for reelection
- LADN: Obama arrives in LA for fundraisers
- LAT: Obama's visit slows some L.A. traffic to a crawl
- Politico: Fundraisers over, Obama returns
RivPE: GOP's speak out, counter-protesters come to town
- IVDB: Republicans says long-term strategy needed to fix budget
SacBee: Jerry Brown finds frustrated crowd at budget talk
- LADN: Gov. Jerry Brown: Tax extension would stave off cuts
- SacBee: Brown's Countdown, Day 103: Governor's road tour in Santa Clarita
- CCTimes: Soda tax has sweet sound for cash-strapped schools
OCReg: Obama chimp email official can't be fired
- OCWeekly: Marilyn Davenport: The Evolution of a Scandal
- SacBee: Report slams screening of California private in-home care workers
HealthyCal: Corporate tax burden shrinking in state
- SacBee: Uptick in income tax receipts raises budget hopes at California Capitol
- SacBee: Agency fails to crack down on teacher misconduct, California audit says
CalWatch: Program fails to stem flow of cell phones into prisons
CCT Political Blotter: Gavin Newsom has a book deal
- SFChron: PG&E CEO Peter Darbee to step down at month's end
- SJMerc: PG&E's top exec retires
- SCS:PG&E CEO to step down: Top exec leaving with $34.8M severance package
- SFChron: PG&E says it can't satisfy order for documentation
- The Hill: AT&T: Merger will help U.S. 'win the future'
SacBee: The Buzz: Rep. Kevin McCarthy leads California delegation in cash dash
- OakTrib: Treasury secretary and family catch waves at Half Moon Bay
- The Hill:Sen. Ensign to resign; decision means ethics probe would end
- SacBee: Sacramento's pitches to NBA visitors prompt closer look at Kings move
- OakTrib: Former Washington, D.C., schools chief and Sacramento Mayor tout education reform
- SacBee: County courthouses across Sacramento region targeted for replacement
- SacBee: Sacramento-area cities continue to struggle with busted budgets
- CCT Political Blotter: Presidential debate team makes 2nd visit to Saint Mary's
- SJMerc: Silicon Valley CEOs: We're hiring, but worried about state's 'sustainability'
- CCT Political Blotter: Bay Area redistricting hearing set for May 21
- SJMerc: Caltrain board OKs budget that keeps all trains running, all stations open
- SCS:Top city officials take pay cuts: Deal hikes retirement, health care contributions
- ModBee: Soda tax could bring home $23.6M to Stanislaus
- FresBee: Up to 81 jobs to leave Fresno State Farm Insurance claims-processing center
The Golden Pen
SFChron: $76,000 protest disrupts swank Obama SF fundraiser: "We paid our dues..where's our 'change"? (VIDEO)
- SJMerc: Oakland woman and friends shell out $76,000 to sing a protest song at Obama breakfast
- CalCap: From the Desk of the Editor
- SanDiegoNR: The so-called independent redistricting commission
F&HDaily: Major League Baseball to take over State of California
CalWatchdog: Guards' "Sweetheart Deal" Hits Taxpayers
- SacBee:Column Extra: CCPOA fitness incentive pay through the years
- CalPensions: Court rejects retro pension cut, what's next?
- RedCounty: CRA Convention Wrap-up: When Conservatives Collide
- CalWatchdog: CA's Bond Rating Equals F-Minus Grade
WSJ: Obama's Permanent Spending Binge
CalBuzz: Press Clips: Steamy, Shocking Stevenson Scandals!
- SacBee: Viewpoints: We should listen, learn from Texas
SFChron: William Rusher - he made conservatism popular
OCReg: New Brown same as the old Brown
SanGabTrib: Commissioner's powers could force McCourt to sell Dodgers
- LAT: McCourt faces long odds in regaining control of Dodgers
- LAT: Bell's rookie council begins charting a new course
- SanGabTrib:State controller to launch `Bell-type' audit of Montebello
- LADN: DCFS loses leadership in dispute
OCReg: Lying social workers cost county $4.9 million
- OCReg: Anaheim General up for sale
- OCReg: CSUF sit-in ends with agreement
- OCReg: Two Teamsters officials quit under fire
- SBSun: Baca joins fast to oppose cuts
- RivPE: School board deadlocks on decision to send teachers to Vegas training
- VOSD: How Many Firefighters Have Died in San Diego?
- VOSD: The Donut Hole in SD's Retiree Health Care
- VOSD: Emerald: Let's Fix Redevelopment Ourselves
- SDUT: Supervisor calls for probe of Habitat for Humanity
- SDUT: SDSU presidential finalists to meet public
- SDUT: County pension investment officer resigns
SDRostra: New Report Shows Fire Department Compensation 137% to 325% Higher than Private Sector Benchmarks