Tuesday, July 17, 2007
GOP should reject the Perata/Nunez budget, and oppose ANY new bonds...
TheHill: Renzi, Hastert, Lewis see sharp drops in 2nd-quarter fundraising
- IVDB: Calif. House members fundraising lagging
- VIDEO: Jerry Lewis At The Trough
- SacBee: School, welfare groups worried about deep cuts
- SacBee: Perata pushes $5 billion water bond
- CCTimes: Perata suggests regional approach
- ModBee: Water Plan Surfaces
- LAT: Gov. presses $6B plan to improve water system
- LAT: In a dry time, plans for water projects flow
- FresBee: Newest water plan offers sip for Valley dam
- SFChron: Dems, governor spar over road to clean air
- SDUT: Major issues crowd agenda of state board on air quality
IVDB: Re-entry centers part of prison-reform plan
- SJMerc: New gripe in California parolee flood
- StockRec: Stockton GOP reports beefy funds
- CCTimes: McNerney foe raises nearly $300,000 in 45 days
- LADN: Details of L.A. clergy-abuse settlement
- LAT: Protecting Mahony was church's cardinal objective
- LAT: Legal and moral cloud still shadows Mahony
- OCReg: Judge finalizes abuse settlement
- NCTimes: Attorneys for church, victims debate impact of Los Angeles settlement
- SDUT: Victims bitter at Cardinal Mahony
- LAT: San Diego victims weigh in
SJMerc: Presidential hopefuls pull cash from valley
- FresBee: GOP's Romney top fundraiser in the Valley
SacBee: McCain downplays drop in campaign's fortunes
- SJMerc: John McCain faces Silicon Valley grilling
- CCTimes: McCain takes the blame for campaign foul-ups
- LAT: McCain loses more campaign staffers
- Politico: McCain promises to fight on
SFChron: Lousy fundraiser, good maverick
NCTimes: Republican's campaign struggles for cash
The Golden Pen
FresBee: Analyzing insanity of state budget
OCReg: Sacramento update
SacBee: Endgame nearing on budget
SacBee: How cool paints became hot topic in the Capitol
TheHill: Brown outpaces Doolittle in race for Calif. 4th district
- SacBee: Placer OKs 14,000 homes
- SacBee: W. Sac voters approve flood fee
- SFChron: Ed Jew Surprises DA - Presses for Early Trial
- SFChron: Supervisor sets stage for in-your-face battle with prosecutors
- SJMerc: Election time starts strong in council race
- SFChron: Flatland dwellers ask not for peace but quiet
- OakTrib: Oakland blaze may be connected to copper theft
- OakTrib: Cities may be alone in metal theft fight
OakTrib: Trash talk resumes; Dellums 'optimistic'
FresBee: Trump swings a deal
- FresBee: Clashes over Fresno Co. budget
- FresBee: Calhoun wants to lure '08 hopefuls
- BakCal: City Council: Plastic bag ban unlikely
- LADN: More freeway funds needed
- LADN: L.A. Housing Department criticized
- LADN: Union questions DWP reliability
OCReg: Anaheim City Council to consider referendum date
- OCReg: Plan approved for new Measure M funds
- LAT: Both sides in O.C. bus strike OK new contract
- OCReg: HB council approves nudity ban
- LAT: O.C. sheriff is denied use of law enforcement data
- RivPE: State grants waiver to new superintendent
- RivPE: Get burros off roads, state Senate says