Monday, January 15, 2007
How can the GOP regain control of Congress? The first step is acknowledging WHY they lost their majority...
- SFChron: Governor faces big hurdles to ambitious agenda
- SJMerc: Governor's ideas in Legislature's hands
- VentStar: Proposal to slash funds for transit draws ire
- LAT: Gov. seeks to transfer juvenile offenders
- LADN: Arnold learning to live with pain
SacBee: CHP casts wide net to fill ranks
SacBee: The buzz: 'Fast' doesn't begin to describe it
- SFChron: S.F. light-rail project had tempest of troubles
- OCReg: Moreno drops out of supervisor's race
- OakTrib: California dreaming of low-carb gasoline
- FresBee: Cold tightens freezing grip across Valley
- VentStar: Frigid temperatures hit $1 billion citrus industry
- LAT: Cold takes toll on growers, traffic
- SacBee: Cops huddle over illegal immigrants' cars
The Golden Pen
HumanEvts: Why Martin Luther King Was Republican - OCReg: Health plan's shaky assumptions
SacBee: Democrats shunning Pat Brown
LAT: Gov.'s about-face on healthcare 'fees' is more than a matter of semantics
- StockRec: Some builders' fees would skyrocket under county proposal
- BakCal: Supervisors set to consider raising fees at county parks
LADN: Delgadillo gets no aid from council in lenghtening term
- LADN: Water bonds slow to flow
- OCReg: Stage set for house height-limit battle in San Clemente
SDUT: Down and out
- SDUT: Sanders' hall plan is grist for critics
SDUT: Hunter pressing to chop long odds of presidential run